
Abdominoplasty is an aesthetic procedure designed to improve the abdomen's appearance by removing excess fat or skin and tightening abdominal muscles that have been stretched due to age, pregnancy or other factors. Younger patients may only need liposuction on their hips, flanks and upper abdomen for optimal results. However, patients whose physical changes stem from aging or pregnancy can benefit significantly from abdominoplasty as this treatment will often bring about a more desirable shape in the midriff area.
At the Andochick Center for Cosmetic Surgery, we understand that your tummy tuck procedure is more than just a physical transformation: It's an emotional journey. Our team of experienced professionals is dedicated to providing cutting-edge techniques alongside superior care to ensure your comfort. Join us as we work with you to help you feel confident about yourself again!
Reasons for Considering A Tummy Tuck
- Diet and exercise fail to improve the abdomen area
- Excessive accumulation of skin following weight loss
- Loss of skin elasticity or diastasis recti (separated abdomen muscles)
- The removal of excess skin and fat deposits, as well as proper alignment of the abdomen muscles to produce a more flattering look
The Recovery Process
Abdominoplasty patients begin their recovery process accompanied by a private duty nurse during the first night. Nonnarcotic pain pumps are placed on the muscle to make any swelling and discomfort more manageable. We strategically install drains to help expedite healing; these will be removed once body fluids are at desired levels. In addition, following the guidelines below will help ensure a comfortable recovery and lasting results:
- Stay hydrated and eat nutrient-dense foods while recovering
- Please note that non-removable sutures will be removed two to three weeks post-op
- To limit pulling or pressure on the incision site, please walk in a hunched position for seven to ten days after the procedure
- Walking and moving around is paramount to helping the recovery process
- Normal activity can typically be resumed within two to four weeks; however, vigorous exercise should be put on hold until at least six weeks postoperatively and always with your surgeon’s clearance
- Your body may take up to one year to adapt to its new configuration
- Proper diet and exercise are the best way to ensure durable results
before & after
Our Tummy Tuck Results
Body Procedures
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